Wednesday, 28 August 2013

song titles

Michele and I had a sort of play day today. I say sort of because we didn't get much playing done. More talking than playing was the order of the day. However, we both got one layout done after much ado, which is better than none.
I needed a title for mine and googled song titles with the word 'guitar' in and up popped Long legged Guitar Man. Now Steven is nothing if not long-legged. In fact I reckon most of his 6' 5" are due to his legs. so here we are; The long legged guitar man:

I followed the sketch from Sarah's cards challenge for this so am entering into the fun this month.


  1. Brilliant LO - love the graphic style, really packs a punch. Glad you had something productive coming out of your play date :) I never get past the talking part lol. Pxx

  2. Lovely photos of Steven - fab LO too! Thanks for a lovely day x

  3. That's a perfect title Karen :) Love the arrangement of your pics (and they are really good pics too) and the graphic look.

  4. This looks great especially against the dark background and the larger photo mixed in with the other views is especially effective.

  5. Fabulous title and stunning layout :)

  6. Love the dark background on this LO, it shows the photographs off really well. Thank you for playing along with our challenge.
