Friday, 30 March 2012
No. 2
of the pages for the cj swap on UKS is for Voodoo Vixen. the theme was Words and their Definition. I chose the word RETRO having done the background which felt very retroish to me.Hope she likes it.

Monday, 26 March 2012
retreat envy part 2
During the morning of our 'retreat' we decided to make a project from Craft Stamper by Jean Hardy of Crafty Individuals. Armed with the various stamps, papers, charms and printers' tray that we needed we set to. I decided that I would, however, change the colour to blue just so that it was not an exact copy. We ended up changing more than just the colour though and I'm pleased to say that, although inspired greatly by the original, it is different enough to call our own.

Sunday, 25 March 2012
retreat envy 1
I admit it-I am totally envious of those who went to Sarah's Cards retreat this weekend. A weekend away in a lovely bedroom with a big bed all to yourself and a private bathroom , food that you haven't had to cook, as much tea as you can drink, classes that all planned and prepped for you, a shop with as many goodies as the bank manager will allow (ha) and a great bunch of girlies to laugh with. Now who in their right mind wouldn't want that? Unfortunately my bank manager doesn't quite see it how I do. Anyway to counter the retreat envy I hosted my own mini retreat here with some of the afore-mentioned girlies. No shop but thanks to the diner down the road food was prepared for us and we had the obligatory giggle. So here is one of the projects that was made completely inspired by the craft stamper from ages ago. We couldn't get a frame small enough so have had to improvise and make the scene slightly bigger by playing around and doing some masking here and there. The lamp is stamped on the glass and the buildings are 3d whilst the gondola is 6d. It is now hanging in my porch. I may yet add some flourishes in the top corners as it looks a bit bare still but I have to admit I love the vibrant colour-not everyone's choice but it does it for me.

Saturday, 24 March 2012
Monday, 19 March 2012
Son number 3.
Actually I only have 2 sons. However, my older son's best friend is always referred to as 'son number 3'. He treats us almost like parents and we treat him almost like a son. It is his 21st later this week and after conferring with son number 1 as to what to get his friend that would mean something I was asked to come up with a layout in a frame. (I'm in trouble if the Range doesn't have any frames left on wednesday). The photos of them are not brilliant and it made us realise that we do not actually have that many of them together-to be remedied in the future. I think they have the sort of friendship that will see them through their whole life-I hope so anyway and this is a tribute to the bond they share.
Sunday, 4 March 2012
I have decided, is not my thing.
I have taken part in a fabric atc book swap (i.e. 4"x21/2") over on UKS simply because I can not say no to anything crafty. I have the book that the original idea came from and it seemed like such a pretty thing that I had to take part. However I am not particularly thrilled by my offering but I guess it will have to do cos I can't think of a way to improve it. If you can then let me know. Constructive criticism will be welcomed! The theme was 'Quotes of Silence'.
Saturday, 3 March 2012
New baby!
NO! Not mine-done my bit for the human race. I made this frame for someone else who has just had their second baby. It was inspired by one I saw somewhere but can't remember where so if anyone knows then let me know so that I can give credit where it is due. I have used a Stampin Up die and some bling. I just hope the recipient likes it.
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